Thursday 31 March 2016


If I may ask "why did you have to shoot kill the lion!?"

The experts whom we have entrusted in taking care of our National Parks and animals have become the killers of our lions. Nine live bullets on a lion that could be tranquilised and transported back to safely in the park or be relocated to another one is unacceptable. Is it just a kind of trigger happy or a cheating the world that "you are working so hard!
For the last few years the lion population has declined so fast across Africa. Today there may be as few as 20,000 lions in Africa. Kenya has her share of about 2000 of lions and when you kill a lion is like killing Kenya because they are the face of our country as seen on the Kenyan emblem, international and domestic tourist go to see them on Kenya holiday safari and this earns local and foreign currency to our country.
We have all reasons to protect our lions and at the same time make sure that our people and their domestic animals are safe from being attacked by wild animals. What Kenya earns and receives from our friends for the purpose of conservation is okay to take care of our animals and national parks despite the fact that conservation is expensive the biggest problem is priorities, money management and may be corruption.
For more than a month we have been hearing stories of lions roaming parts of Nairobi city with no permanent solution to this problem, “how many people must be attacked by lions before Kenya Wildlife Service locks them lions in the park?” May be Nairobi National Park don’t need those lions, you can as well relocate them to Amboseli, Lake Nakuru, even Tsavo East or West because all we want is for our animals to be protected, not only the lion but also the rhino, elephant and most uncommon ones.